natural tendency is to shy away from prayer. We already dread the
time we will spend there before we ever start. Even those who are
given to spend more time in prayer than perhaps some others will even
feel it in their own flesh as well. Resistance. You know why. The
weakness of the flesh. The sinfulness of the flesh. The guilt of
our own hearts condemning us. If we would just understand that it is
just what prayer is for that the answer for these and much more would
be found with our heads and hearts bowed before God.
does this happen? - We know for ourselves that prayer is a
sacrifice in many ways outwardly. It is a sacrifice of time and we
know instinctively it is a sacrifice of our own wills. We don't even
truly consider that the sacrifice of these two things alone our worth
it. Sadly, we never have truly experienced what it has meant to lay
hold of God. Prayer is a sacrifice. That's why this happens. We
are told in Romans 12:1 that we should present ourselves “holy and
pleasing to God.” Before we can be presented we have to be
examined. When Yahweh gave the commands for the sacrifice He did it
with order. There was an order to be followed. Principal of this
order is that the sacrificial lamb was to be “unblemished”. The
high priest was to examine the sheep for errors. Simply put, if
there was anything wrong with the sheep then it was rejected and
could not be offered as a sacrifice.
that's what's happening - YES! If you have accepted Jesus as
your saviour then you have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Our Lord's Spirit will do everything to keep us in a right standing
with God. Do everything to keep us in His favor! Do everything to
keep us UNBLEMISHED! The Holy Spirit will prompt us all day long to
stay in God's ways. Will direct us according to our thoughts. Warn
us of danger. Show us how we are to proceed. If we, by faith,
follow and obey His guidance then we maintain a clean conscience.
We, the living sacrifice, are examined. Your heart will be examined
for truth. Whatever the truth is then it must be confessed and
crucified life - For most, sadly, they only see confession as a
sad ordeal that has always led to the same place; back to where they
are now. Nowhere. No more power in life than what they have always
had. Listen to the Lord's story. Have you not seen in God's Word?
YOU HAVEN'T EVEN PRAYED YET! I don't care how long you have been a
Christian. I don't care how long you have attended church. If you
have never understood this then you have NEVER pressed in. Listen to
what I am telling you. You haven't even begun! Don't let this be a
condemnation, but a sign of hope! That which I had thought of as
prayer and never received answer for wasn't even prayer! That which
you have always called prayer was just the beginning! You have never
made it before God's throne where the blessings of prayer and the
offerings of our heart can be offered! To that place where you can
come away from with a full assurance YOU HAVE WHAT YOU ASKED FOR!
But, what if the confession of your heart is that of the crucified
life? What if you can with boldness, instead of a confession of sin,
let your confession be that of a clean conscience? That you can
believe God and have your heart be examined and that through faith
(believing God's word and work) that you have been made clean.
Confess your sins. Accept God's grace. And THEN press on to the
throne of God!
the Throne - Now you can pray. Now you can plead your case
before our Lord! It is here that we can present ourselves and God's
promises to before the throne. We come before the King of Kings and
present His Words, the Law, and we confess them before the Lord AND
DO NOT GIVE UP until we have a full assurance in our hearts that we
have received our request!
you with me now? - Can you see now what your sin is and has
been? Can you hear your heart tell you now what your true nature has
been? That sin of unbelief. Unbelief is the cause of our loss. It
is why we continue to lose with God in prayer. Again and again we
have hung our heads in shame and walked away without the blessing we
came for. The shame of walking away from the throne empty-handed has
happened more times then we can count. Nobody has ever told you that
today, even today, you could have walked away with a fullness of
faith. Walked away from the throne of God with a full assurance.
That you could have heard His decree; His promise to you and your
blessing. That you could have seen in your life God's working and
manifesting of His power! God's Word cannot fail! God's promises
cannot come back empty! A fullness and boldness of faith is
required. A fullness and boldness that does not shy away. Have you
not read that the one who doubts can expect nothing? Do not let this
be you forever! Do not go away again empty-handed! Come with me and
kneel before God and confess your sins. Read in God's word how He
has cleansed you of your sin by His death on the cross. And that
even now, by his own blood, is interceding on your behalf and
washing you clean!
and sisters, you have not even begun to pray! But praise God! We
will! Yes! Yes! We will!!
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